Farcau Peak - Vinderel Lake - Mihailecu Peak

This natural protected area is situated on the administrative territory of the Repedea and Poienile de Sub Munte localities and it has a surface of 150,00 ha, at 1700 m altitude.

Natural reserve, fourth IUCN category

The purpose of this reserve is to conserve the natural habitats for wild flora and fauna and the biological diversity.


This reserve has been established in 1994 as a geological, faunistical and landscape reserve and it is administrated by Maramures Mountains Nature Park because it has been conceived as a special conservation area.

The reserve is a mountain ridge with two prominent peaks (Farcau, Mihailecu) and it has glacier relief on the north (Farcau) and east side (Groapa Julii, Groapa Bologhii, Groapa Lupilor). The Vinderel Lake is situated on the saddle existent between the two peaks, this been a plane area slightly inclined toward west, where are present other dropped out lakes too. This lake is 155 m long and 85 m wide, it has a surface of 0,90 ha at a maximum depth of 5,5 m.

The vegetation is represented by the following species: Edelweiss - Leontopodium alpinum, Peat Mosses - Polytricum sp, Cottongrass - Eriophorum angustifolium, Fewflower Sedge - Carex pauciflora, Short Sedge- Carex canescens, Beaked Sedge - Carex rostrata, Bog Blueberry - Vaccinium uliginosum, Buckbean - Menyanthes trifoliata, Hawkweed - Hieracium alpinum, Crocus - Crocus heufellianus. There are also algae like Mallomonas actinoloma var. Maramuresensis and two species of newt - Triturus alpestris, Triturus montandoni.